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Context Mapping

The context map below shows all the different context in the scooter service domain.

Five subdomain are identified:

  • E-Scooter Subdomain: manages all the logic concerning the physical scooters
  • Rent Subdomain: manages all the logic concerning the rent process from the financial policies to the storage of trips' data
  • Insight Subdomain: concerns the elaboration of the best possible drop points for scooters to improve the quality of service
  • Payment Subdomain: manages the logic of real-world payments by integrating with a legacy system
  • User Subdomain: contains the anagraphical information of the service users and provide authentication

The relationships between contexts are explicitated through the representation of interfaces that are exposed in to allow the sharing of information in the system.

Basically all the relationships between services are of type conformist since the context which exposes the interface holds the truth source about that data and it's responsible to decide what to share externally and how.

The payment context is an anti-corruption layer on top of the existing legacy system that manages real world transactions.

Context Map

UML diagram image

Last update: January 17, 2022 11:17:59
Created: January 3, 2022 16:14:23
Authors: ldeluigi (47.76%), Francesco Dente (41.79%), Samuele (10.45%)