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Area of Service Domain Model

Class Diagram

UML diagram image

Domain Events

  • AreaCreated: emitted when an area is created
  • AreaDeleted: emitted when an area is deleted
  • ScooterAssignedToArea: emitted when a scooter is set to belong to a certain area of service.
  • ScooterRemovedFromArea: emitted when a scooter is set to not belong to any area.
  • AreaShapeChanged: emitted when the shape of an area of service is changed.
  • ScooterWentOutsideArea: emitted when a scooter that belongs to an area is moved outside of its shape.
  • ScooterWentInsideArea: emitted when a scooter returns inside its area of service after having moved out.

Last update: January 16, 2022 23:20:33
Created: July 1, 2021 15:23:30
Authors: Simone (23.81%), ldeluigi (7.14%), Francesco Dente (64.29%), Samuele Burattini (4.76%)