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Common Types

This section contains a set of value objects used throughout the domain models of the identified bounded contexts, to avoid repeating them in each diagram.


Represents the outcome of a domain operation, which may result in a success (in which case the result contains a value of type T) or in a failure (which results in a DomainError).

UML diagram image


Represents how the identity of entities is passed in the system enabling the possibility to distinguish between one another of the same kind.

UML diagram image


Defines a geographical coordinate as a 2D value (using latitude and longitude). UML diagram image


  • \(-90 < latitude.value < 90\)
  • \(-180 < longitude.value < 180\)


Represents a linear, non-directed (meaning an absolute value) distance.

UML diagram image


  • \(kilometers \geq 0\)


Represents a unique point in time, independent of any time zone.

UML diagram image

value is the number of milliseconds passed since 01/01/1970 00:00:00 (Epoch).


Represents the absence of any value, nothingness.

UML diagram image

Last update: January 17, 2022 11:24:32
Created: July 1, 2021 12:55:09
Authors: Simone (28.92%), ldeluigi (26.51%), Francesco Dente (44.58%)